The Source for employers
Frequently asked questions
How does the Source measure their value to employers?
We measure our value to each partner by measuring:
The amount of community funds we leveraged to provide support
The cost of retention savings to the company
The amount of training support dollars we leveraged
The value of the private casework time
Our average return on investment is 250%
How does The Source differ from an EAP?
Our support is tailored to meet the unique needs of the individual and extends far beyond what a traditional EAP can do! Our private caseworkers provide high-touch services with no limit on how many times your employee can call for support. A private caseworker is assigned to each member company to build a strong relationship with the HR and leadership team.
Whereas, a traditional EAP makes referrals to other agencies for support, we walk alongside your employees to address barriers and access community resources.
What is the cost of membership?
The cost of membership is determined by several factors such as employee headcount, wage and benefit information and geographic location that help our team to determine what an anticipated utilization rate would be. Once we discuss those factors we can provide a membership rate estimate.